Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Chemotherapy: Blessing or curse?

Chemotherapy, also known as chemo, is the common term for medicines for the treatment of cancer. The treatment destroys cancer cells, keeps you grow and spread, shrink the size of a tumor or relieves symptoms of cancer.

Chemotherapy has given hope to many cancer patients. A recent study by the national request confidential shows outcome and death (NCEPOD) in patient that chemotherapy may do more harm than good. This is the main reason why doctors now advised will offer chemo be careful treatment of especially cancer patients.

The NCEPOD study found that 27% for more than 600 patients, treatment died within a month of receipt, died worse and faster after chemotherapy.

Although chemotherapy nowadays is the usual course of treatment of cancer, Dr. Joseph Mercola is not convinced that it is the best option. Although it cannot extend a patients life a few months in some cases, it may also end to kill you prematurely

Chemotherapy can do more harm than good to a cancer patient due to its effects on the body's cells. Yes, these conventional treatment can kill cancer cells, but it can destroy healthy cells at the same time. Chemo prevents the rapid multiplication and Division of cells that are found in the bone marrow is cells in the digestive and reproductive systems and cells in the hair follicles.

Fortunately there are natural, safer and more effective alternatives to chemotherapy. Dr. Mercola recommends the use of vitamin D, healthy lifestyles and emotional management for the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Calcitriol most powerful steroid hormone in your body and in the tissues of individuals with optimum levels vitamin d created it has been proven to combat cancer, and controls because it stimulates cell differentiation proliferation cell.
Because cancer patients usually have low levels of vitamin D, it is important for you to optimize the content of this nutrient.

Cancer patients should be abandoned to 80-90 ng/ml of the vitamin D to improve their levels. The patient will increase resistance proper nutrition, exercise and healthy food choice. And prevention of negative and stressful emotions is definitely a cancer patients who feel much better. Ensure that a positive patients feel it. Help you to keep your faith and always to give them hope.

These are some of Dr. Mercola of's recommendations in the fight against cancer. Cancer is a deadly disease, but we are not powerless.

View the original article here

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