Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Drink plenty of water

Everyone knows that water body is vital. It hydrates and your thirst. It is as good as; are you getting enough? Are you properly hydrated every day? The water consumption of the body examined a new study the importance of proper hydration for good health and performance and a more accurate measurement. "Here is the refreshing update: titled" water as an essential nutrient: the physiological basis for hydration, "the study starts with the explain the importance of hydration to the body."Water is the main component of the human body. The latter can produce enough water by metabolism or enough water for taking food to meet his needs. Therefore we must make sure what we drink throughout the day to ensure that we meet our daily water needs, how not to do can have negative health effects (E.) Per ´ quier and F. constant. (2009). "The study first appeared in the September 2, 2009 in an online publication advance of the European Journal of clinical nutrition." The study highlights five uses of water in the body: (1) it is an important component of our cells, (2) a required agent in physical chemical processes, (3) an intermediary which regulates all body functions, including breathing and digestion, (4) the body temperature and (5) lubricates joints and muscles for proper tracking. The study stresses to drink the importance by citing the effects of dehydration or lack of water in your body. "It turned out, that a marked deterioration both cognitive function (attention, concentration, short-term memory) and physical performance (endurance, sport skills) can cause mild dehydration according to only one or two percent of body weight loss in adults (E.)" Per ´ quier and F. constant. ««(2009).»»So you want to leave his all the time, at the top of your game not only thirst to know if you are dehydrated. Mild to moderate dehydration manifests through dry, sticky mouth, drowsiness or fatigue, decreased urine entrance, few or no tears when Muskel.Die solution's wines, weakness, headache and dizziness or light-headedness all simply enough, keep drinking, even if you're not thirsty. But how do you know that you are drinking enough? It is the old exclude eight glasses of water per day, but it is true? According to the study "Human water consumption based on a minimum intake, as it could lead to a water deficit due to numerous factors, the water needs (metabolism, climate, physical activity, nutrition, etc.) change (E.)" Per ´ quier and F. constant. ««(2009).»» What this means, you are limited to only 8 glasses per day should not because you need more to your activities and the weather is based. Instead, the study recommends the following intake levels: male youth in the age of nine to 13 need 1.8 L / day, 14 to 18 years must, 2.6 L / day and male adults 3 L / day. Need female adolescents aged nine to 13 1.6 L / day, 14 to 18 need 1.8 L / day and female adult on 2.2 L / day. Some 13 for male adults and nine Cup adult female converts. Also says the study of this entire amount, other drinks and water from food is. Beverage Institute for health and wellness (BIHW) corresponds to this statement, "The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (IOM) specific recommendations for total fluid intake has... drinking water and the water received from all other foods and beverages." All drinks hydrate, including your favorite juices, tea, soft drinks and foods such as fruits, vegetables, soups and stews. The BIHW goes on to recommend that you "choose beverages enjoy." Several studies show that children and adults 45 to 50 percent consuming more fluid is flavored vs plain water ( 2009).The important lesson is that hydration must always be top of mind for optimal health. From now on, make it drink a habit!

View the original article here

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