Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Sunlight and skin cancer facts

I my post in July last year on this subject of sunlight, which reduces the risk of cancer, now a follow-up article, why a proper sun exposure can help prevent skin cancer is here.

On Dr. John j. Cannell video he describes the benefits of vitamin D and why is a safe sun exposure for our skin even though we know many bad things. In fact, they found that a greater exposure to sunlight melanoma occur while reduced apply sunscreen can actually increase its occurrence and we don't even know that.

It's a proven fact that vitamin D, which goes directly to the gene in our skin helps prevent of the types of anomalies, caused the ultraviolet light can therefore in no way. And where else we find the best source of vitamin D, which is free of charge - only from the Sun, of course. And the more we the Sun seeks to alleviate, the more we intend to reduce the supply of vitamin D on our skin. As a result, we missed much of integrated cancer protection as it from the Sun.

So don't be afraid and have a high noon sun be suspended. Contrary to what we need believe our skin UVB. UVB is what our skin and not UVA. UVA is in the morning and evening, while UVB lunch actually high is high. So do not think that midday sunlight you can cause cancer, because in fact, it helps you increase the amount of vitamin D in your skin. So it is better to know the beneficial effects of the Sun, instead of completely ignored the truth of what makes us really healthy.

View the original article here

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