Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Risk of rare lymphoma can be caused by silicone breast implants

Women are aware of your body. You always want to look great. One thing you really want is to have a big chest, which is why most women want to have a breast implant. Some of you dont have care of the risk to the perfect body you want. While some may be a bit worried, and still want to have a breast implant.

I want to share them for all the ladies out there. Especially those who have a second thought undergone a breast augmentation be, especially if it is a silicone breast implant. A study shows that woman has a silicone breast implant may have a high risk of some forms of lymphoma. Lymphoma is a type of cancer that originates in the lymph nodes. Lymphoma contains cells that are sometimes found in the blood. But it tends to make also solid tumors in the organs or lymph system from where first diagnosed with cancer. Whether a cancer is less than 0.1 to 0.3 for every 100,000 women every year to take the silicone breast implant.

The silicone breast implant produced as much controversy in recent years. It has been stopped because you say it can cause cancer, certain autoimmune diseases or other health problems.

In fact one of the most recent studies on this subject has been revealed. It makes people especially women interested in quite such breast enlargement. This concerns the studies made by the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. The Group wanted a national database in Netherlands. You have searched for all cases of lymphoma in the breast, diagnosed with a form of cancer, between 1990 and 2006. And her studies you found out about 11 patients with ALCL. Five of these eleven patients had breast implants one until 23 years before you were diagnosed.

For me it is not the chest that will make a person more attractive. There are other ways, standout. Still the best figures or characteristics that will make a person more attractive are a good person and righteous. Always remember that everything we have God's gift to us. We need to change it and instead, we should worry about.

I found this on the website of Dr. Mercola breast cancer prevention's dirty little secret. It might be useful for you, girls and for men as well. So I decided the link here is set, you can also free report.

View the original article here

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